R & D Tax Relief

Firstly, what is Research and Development Tax Relief, or R&D Tax Credits as its often referred to?

The scheme was first introduced in 2000 for small and medium enterprises, it provides an ‘uplift’ in the expenditure on R&D, currently that ‘uplift’ is 130% of the qualifying expenditure, that is in addition to the normal 100% deduction the expenditure already receives.

Rewards for Advances

R&D is essentially advancing science or technology, this may be:

  • creating a new product
  • developing a new service
  • adapting and developing an existing product or service

The scheme is designed to reward those seeking to achieve advancement in science or technology as such advancements will be subject to scientific or technological uncertainty and that means your company is taking a risk.

During the process of research and development your company will incur many different types of costs, these will include:

  • staff salaries and pensions
  • hardware
  • materials
  • light and heat

Your Claim

At Holden Associates we use a very sophisticated piece of software to ensure our claims are not only clear and concise, but the software will also, at an early stage, flag up those claims that are ineligible before we go down the R&D claim process, saving everyone time and money.

By using software, we can deal with R&D claims no matter where you are in the UK, location is not a barrier, we can also screen share with you while going through the claims process, so you can see what we are doing on your behalf.

If you want to know more about how Holden Associates can assist you in your R&D tax credit claim please get in touch.

Call Us: 01704 320560

Your Research & Development, Our Solution = £’s

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It is hard to convey who we are on a website, after all you haven’t met us, you don’t know us, so, we all sat down and between us came up with what we consider to be our core values, the values that underpin our business and our approach, it goes without saying we are professionally qualified and technically capable, so what are our core values.


Our advisors and their skills aren’t just tried and tested; they’re trusted too. We’re technically competent, experienced and completely confidential when working with our clients.


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