Christmas Closing
Happy Christmas
Happy Christmas! We wish you a very happy Christmas and well deserved end-of-year break. We...
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Autumn Statement 2023
The Autumn Statement 2023 – Key Points
The 2023 Autumn Statement was presented against a background of inflation falling from recent peaks....
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Plain English guide to VAT for businesses
Plain English guide to VAT for businesses
Getting to grips with the basics of accounting, financial management and business strategy can be...
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20 ways to save tax
20 Ways To Save Tax
20 Effective Ways to Save Tax in the UK Tax planning might not be the...
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Charging interest on a Directors' Loan Account
Charging interest on a Directors’ Loan Account
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When you’re the director of a business, it’s likely that there will be occasions where...
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Back to Tax Basics: What taxes will I need to pay as a director?
Back to Tax Basics: What taxes will I need to pay as a director?
When you set up a new company, there are certain business taxes you’ll be liable...
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End of life
5 vital things to set up before you pass away
No-one wants to spend too much time thinking about their own mortality. But the reality...
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5 top lead magnets for your marketing
5 top lead magnets for your marketing
Bringing leads into your business is what drives sales. So, how do you create the...
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Proving your ongoing business viability through 5 financial reports
Proving your ongoing business viability through 5 financial reports
Proving that you’re a viable business. We’ve listed the main reasons why lenders and investors...
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Long-service awards
Long-service awards – How to reward your staff tax-efficiently
Do you want to reward a long-serving employee for their hard work? A long-service award...
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