Holden Associates – Accountants

Holden Associates

I have decided to write a personal posting, we tend to use our blog for Accountants updates such as Budget Reports etc, our social media, twitter, facebook etc tend to add a modicum of marketing to the mix, but it has occurred to me no one knows what is happening in our small business!

So, I have decided to break with tradition, we have had a blog in one form or another for 14 years now and social media for nearly 10 years, and yet with all this going on Holden Associates probably remain a ‘best kept secret’ to the outside world, so …

I will not bore anyone with our history, I will instead concentrate on the here and now with a bit of an update.

Lauren, the most recent addition to the team (June 2015, okay so not so recent I guess) last month (January 2018) passed her final AAT accountancy exams, well done, but we were not surprised really, hard work and dedication always pay off. You would have thought that would be it, but no, not for Lauren, she now intends on undertaking further study with advanced taxation, this is good news for Holden Associates and our clients that our team members have this level of dedication.

Like all accountants we had a very busy January, but unlike many accountants this was only in part due to a few stragglers, no, in the main it was due to our being able to help and assist new clients who for a variety of reasons left accountants who had failed them.

I know it’s not often you can move accountants in January or seek help from an accountant at that time of year, but when an accountant runs with the level of technology we use we are able to move quickly and efficiently when it’s a client we want.

It’s a win-win, we get new clients that we want, and they get an accountant who is responsive, supportive and suitably qualified and competent.

The last self-assessment tax return we submitted was at 9:40pm on the 31st January 2018 for one of these clients, and the email I got from him read:


That’s over and far above what I would expect.


It was very nice to get that response, but its simple client service, we took him on the week before after meeting with him and hearing his shocking story about his then current accountant, now how could we not do everything we could to ensure his tax return was on time and thus avoiding a fine.

It always amazes me how clients stay with accountants they are not happy with, ‘better the devil you know’ I think is the usual view.

The reason we have reviews on https://www.reviews.co.uk/company-reviews/store/holden-associates- is to show the outside world what real clients think about us, these reviews are written by clients and reviews.co.uk ensure they are legitimate clients so there is no way we can influence the reviews, and this is a good thing, it allows prospective clients to see what our clients think about us and it also lets us know what they think and in turn how we are doing.

Looking forward, well 2018 will be a busy year again, in 2017 we added to client numbers, something we will carry on with in 2018 coupled with an impending office move to a larger modern purpose-built office. I am looking forward to the year ahead, I have no doubt it will be hard work, then again what small business isn’t.