UK businesses at record level

According to the Department for Business the UK private business sector is at record levels with 5.5 million of us, yes, we are just like you a UK small business, actually I really hate that description, ‘small’, we are, like many of you a family owned business!!

In the last six years privately owned business numbers have risen over 20%, some of this will be ‘force self employment’ and some will be someone just deciding to have a go on their own, a bit like I did 13 years ago.

Compared to 2010 there are now a million more of us in private business according to Small Business Minister, Margot James, there’s that word again ‘small’.

What is a shame is that ministers like Margot James don’t give us the credit we rightly deserve, instead they heap more pressure on us, Auto-enrolment pensions, National living wage and has anyone taken the time to look at the next bright idea, ‘Making Tax Digital’, trust me, don’t look at the last one.

So, it would appear the entrepreneur is alive and well, in fact maybe even thriving, if only Government could leave us alone to get on with the job.